What pain looks like when one is suffering with mental illness or addiction, or affected by a loved one’s hurting, and what flows from that pain. How might we find a place of compassion to become part of the solution rather than contributing to the suffering? First the Pain I, co-curated by Peter Bruun and Alyse Ruriani of NAMI at MICA, includes works by Kaitlin Beebe, Ben Cricchi, Amanda Davies, Michelle Labonte, Bess Lumsden, Alexa Rich, Alyse Ruriani, Garrett Seldman, Emma Jo Shatto, and Lauren Siegel.
Partner: Maryland Institute College of Art, NAMI at MICA
Rosenberg Gallery, MICA
October 7, 2015, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Opening reception for First the Pain I, an exhibition co-curated by Peter Bruun and Alyse Ruriani, featuring art by Kaitlin Beebe, Ben Cricchi, Amanda Davies, Michelle Labonte, Bess Lumsden, Alexa Rich, Alyse Ruriani, Garrett Seidman, Emma Jo…
Falvey Hall, MICA’s Brown Center
October 10, 2015, 2:00 - 6:00pm
A half-day event featuring keynote speaker Dr. Leana Wen, Baltimore City Health Commissioner, starting us off with comments on the topic at hand: creating resources and safety for young people, and addressing the opiate overdose epidemic. The first…