Art on the Fly: Dusk & Dawn
175 W. Ostend Street #E, Baltimore MD, 21230 June 25 - October 11, 2018
Presented by the New Day Campaign to launch its statewide series of Dusk & Dawn programming through June 2019, this exhibition features art by 17 Maryland artists whose work in some way, shape, or form is about behavioral health matters. Explicitly and implicitly, the art conveys narrative to undo stigma associated with substance use, mental illness, and trauma. The exhibition aims to help normalize hardships faced by so many, humanizing those affected and making often taboo topics subject to more open and accepting conversation.
Artists with works featured in this exhibition are: Shelley Amsel, Elisif Bruun, Peter Bruun, Pat Dennis, Margaret Dowell, Gloria Garrett, Phylicia Ghee, Robin Gilliam, Nancye Hesaltine, Nikia Kigler, Michelle Labonte, Mark V. Lord, Claudia McDonough, Ashley Minner, Anthony Ness, John Viles, and an artist participating in FORCE's Monument Quilt.
Gallery Hours: M-F 9am-5pm (please call ahead at 410-767-6545 to ensure the offices are open)